Paragraph class modifiers
Eufemia comes with several styles you can use on paragraphs and other HTML text elements:
(Body text).dnb-p--medium
Paragraphs in React
Paragraphs using React JSX.
import { P } from '@dnb/eufemia'
Default paragraph
Medium weight paragraph
Small paragraph
Small paragraph with medium weight
<div> <P>Default paragraph</P> <P modifier="medium">Medium weight paragraph</P> <P size="small">Small paragraph</P> <P modifier="small medium">Small paragraph with medium weight</P> {/* (Bold is currently not supported by DNB UX) */} {/* <P modifier="bold">Bold weight paragraph</P> */} {/* <P modifier="small bold">Small paragraph with bold weight</P> */} </div>
Paragraphs Here is a paragraph textAnchor / Text LinkBold paragraph (medium weight)Strong paragraph (medium weight)Numbers 0123456789Code paragraph
Cite paragraphText 1 Text 1 Text 1 Text 1 Text 1 Text 1
Paragraph Here is a small paragraph textAnchor / Text LinkBold paragraph (medium weight)Strong paragraph (medium weight)Numbers 0123456789Code paragraph
Cite paragraphText 1 Text 1 Text 1 Text 1 Text 1 Text 1
Here is a x-small paragraph text
with a new line.
Additional Paragraph formatting (not defined yet)
Italic paragraphUnderline paragraphUXDeleted paragraphMarked paragraphInserted paragraphText SuperscriptText Subscript
Read more about Fonts in the Designer Guides.